OC Supervisor Vicente Sarmiento, 2nd District

Share Your Input on the County FY 2024-25 Budget

I invite you to participate in the planning of the County of Orange’s Recommended Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budget. The County’s budget is a comprehensive financial plan that outlines how we allocate resources to fund essential services, infrastructure, programs, and initiatives to serve our diverse population of 3.2 million residents.

Budget Process

The County’s budget process begins in the fall of each year with the County’s Strategic Financial Plan (SFP), presented to the Board in December or the following January. In January, the County Budget & Finance Office prepares detailed budget policies and instructions, setting completion dates for key events. By early March, County departments submit their respective budget requests. Subsequent meetings are held to discuss these requests, leading to the preparation of a Recommended Budget by the County Budget & Finance Office and CEO. This Recommended Budget undergoes further reviews, briefing sessions in May, and Public Budget Hearings in June, where the CEO presents the budget to the Board for straw votes and direction. Finally, the Board adopts the budget in late June, making it the official spending plan for county departments.

What’s Next

As the County collaboratively works on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 Annual Budget, I invite you to participate in planning the County of Orange’s Recommended FY 2024-25 Budget. Your input will enhance financial transparency and ensure that the County’s financial planning aligns with the community’s needs and priorities.

For deeper insight into the budgeting process, the following video can help better understand the intricate work involved in building the County budget each year.

(Basics of Budgeting & Strategic Financial Planning)

Share Your Input on the County of Orange Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budget by April 15, 2024.


Vicente Sarmiento
Board of Supervisors, Second District
County of Orange

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